domingo, 5 de fevereiro de 2017

Time doesn't Exist?

Time can be many things but most and foremost exists through our perception. Sure, your clock tell's you what time is it but in reality this is a reference to how many times has earth rotated around the Sun and itself. Even the Time attached to the references stated above were indeed stipulated by someone, in reality my Time is different than yours and depends on my life experience and my references. Having said this, I would question, does time exist?

Instead of answering straight away let me ask you something, do you account your living years from being conceived or being born? And when does time end to you, when you die?
Image result for time
I have been playing around with the idea that we are eternal, i die but someone lives instead, how much of me is transported on that person. Let's say I have a baby, this baby was made through me, parts of who I am, genetically are there. Now extrapolating to memes, to concepts and ideas, an idea can travel through time carried by those who were touched by it. Taking into account this thought, I am as eternal as I want to be. Each conversation, each action and non action reflect in the world and propagate.

Time is a beautiful spiral, my life cycle, the next, eternally fractalized by pure existence. Time is the transport, the transformation that is perceived by who and what exists. Without that space and being Time would not exist. One could even say that time is the sum of each effect caused by an action or non action.

Time does exist, for me. Not in a timeline or a clock but on the transitions of a moment to another, on the dynamic of an eternal movement.

I would question, can I affect the future and if yes can I affect the past? Seems natural to think that any action or non action will indeed affect the future but can I affect the past? Removing the sequence plays a trick on the concept. It's humanly difficult to remove the linearity of Time but what if? Most spiritual believes have embedded a concept of Karma one way or the other and what is that if not changing the past by present actions? You could even take it further and say that the future and the past can affect the singularity of the present.

Without pushing it even further to the abstract concept of non linear Time, take it to your Spirituality. How can this perception of Time transforms each moment of your life and others.

Without Time we would cease to exist, Without Time there is no space and no Movement.